The main question people ask when they come to see us is how our furniture can help them save floor space in their apartment. In fact, the solutions are simple. They require a minimum of organization, and, paradoxically, furniture.
Quick tips:
The discipline of tidying up
With a simple organization of the objects in your rooms, you can exploit every nook and cranny of your apartment.

Grouping to fill gaps
It’s simple: a dozen books on one shelf and you have the impression that it’s full. But since the 5 shelves below also contain ten books, even though they could hold more … you end up with unused storage space. Also, by grouping objects by function or nature, you’re bound to find gaps to fill. And above all, it’ll help you establish a routine, almost a reflex, for quickly putting away items that someone has left lying around your apartment. Tidying up doesn’t have to take up all your thoughts and leisure time. So when it becomes a reflex, you can breathe easier very quickly. It’s a bit like organizing your mind to be more efficient 😉

Add wall storage (shelves and cupboards)
The first thing we think of when we buy a home is surface area. But overhead storage units often save precious space. On flat surfaces, or in corners, wall-mounted shelves are precious allies.
Furnish to save space
How can new furniture save me space? It’s only a paradox on the surface, if you play on two principles:
- the first is to combine two functions in a single piece of furniture (for example, a retractable bed and a desk),
- the second is to exploit the volume of a room, rather than its surface area.
This is where Espace Loggia’s expertise lies. Retractable beds on ceilings or walls, mezzanine beds, mezzanine offices, staircase storage units. Whatever you need to make the most of your apartment’s space. It’s a step made all the easier by the fact that modern designers are inventing solutions, while at the same time creating magnificent furniture. But that’s for another post.